Ugh! This week has been an admin heavy week and I hate admin. Problem is, it needs to be done. Like the title says, foamsmithing is not all foam and games. Sure, it mostly is, but there comes a point where you just have to knuckle down and do the boring, tedious junk.

Another argument with the Pricing-O-Matic

So far this week I’ve overhauled my Pricing-O-Matic™ algorithm again. There were a few flaws in the last bunch of fixes I shovelled into the blasted thing. It’s an utterly indispensible piece of kit, I tell it what things are made of and it tells me how much things should cost in my shops. 99% of the time it works fine but every now and then it needs a little wangjangling. This last round of updates has added the ability to set prices on both Etsy and here, for my customers in the UK and those in the US, in one fel swoop.

Shop Upgrades and Fair Pricing

I’ve also spent a while upgrading the shop here

, now all prices include shipping, whether you’re in the US or the UK (if you’re somewhere else in the world give me a shout, I’ll sort something out) and my UK customers pay less shipping so their prices are cheaper. See, Etsy, if an idiot like me can do it, why can’t you?

Site Upgrades and Search Engine Optimisation

Image Post - A Scottish Thistle

Finally I’ve been fiddling with the site itself, specifically arguing with SEO. That’s Search Engine Optimisation for the uninitiated. Imagine, if you will, whipping off your pants and plopping yourself down on a very large thistle. That’s covered in broken glass. And very angry ants. And just happens to be on fire. That’s SEO.

Office worker with no idea

I’ve spent about two hours this morning mucking about, trying to push the SEO score a little bit higher. Net result, 73%. Part of this is down to the limitations of WordPress, the software that I’m running the site on. Part of it is down to my own limitations, I’m not a tech genius, I know enough to get by but my knowledge is by no means extensive.

Anyway. Admin done, thanks for reading. Stay safe, have a good day, and be excellent to each other.