Well lookit! I’m still alive… good news for some. Especially me.

As I was sitting in my workshop yesterday, gazing idly out the window, I thought to myself “Not everyone likes Friday 13th, and I have a few other bits and pieces hanging in this window blocking my view and distressing the neighbours. Perhaps I should let whoever wins pick one of these pieces too.” So just like that, the prize was changed! So what’s up for grabs now?

There’s also Freddy Kreuger’s Glove, The Sword of Omens and a Nurgle inspired Plague Sword but I don’t seem to have photos of them right now so I’ll update this post later in the day.

How Do I Win?

I’ve scattered a voucher code across my social media, there’s a part on Twitter, a part on Instagram and a part in a recent post on this site. All you have to do is find them all and put them together. The code can be used against any regular list item in my store here, or my store on Etsy. If the code gets used ten times before the month is out I’ll select a follower at random and they get to pick their prize from that lot up there. Super simple! There’s a little more to it, which you can find on this post. Also, I should probably mention…


Now you’re a third of the way there.

That’ll do from me today, I have a birthday to attend. If you’re having a beer, raise one for me, and be excellent to each other.