Trick or Treat?
Halloween is probably one of my favourite times of the year. There’s something special about the dying rays of the autumn sun turning into warm orange glow of a street filled with jackolanterns as boys and girls of every age go door to door scrounging up free sweets. Trick or treat indeed.
Halloween is a bit weird…
You might think, as a foamsmith, that Halloween is one of the busiest times of the year for me. After all it’s the biggest cosplay festival in the world! However, I find that, once the cons have wound up and autumn sets in, business slows. This means I’ve got a lot more time to design and build new props for the next year. It’s great fun coming up with new plans and replicas, but it does mean the money starts to dry up. Which isn’t so good as we approach my other favourite time of the year, Christmas.

With that in mind, I am offering a discount on all my list items for the whole of October. Starting from tomorrow and ending on November 1st the discount code below is good against all purchases for a saving of 10%. You can use the code here and at my etsy store. As usual, my UK customers should shop here for the best prices on their orders. That should leave you enough left over for another handful of Halloween treats.
Custom orders and special commissions are not included. Everything else, including the newly released Whalebone Rune from Dishonored is valid. If you’ve been waiting, now is the time to shop!
If you are going trick or treating or to a party this year, be safe, wear a mask, keep your distance. As always, thanks for stopping by, and be excellent to each other.