Lockdown: Day… I don’t know anymore. All the days have melted into one.

Like many small businesses this is proving to be a trying time here at Peculiartifacts. Supplies are low and my supply chain has all but fallen apart. The hardware store where I buy my cores is only selling ‘essential’ parts now, and that doesn’t extend to steel or aluminium rods. Sun loungers and BBQs I can have by the dozen however. My local Post Office has closed its doors and my workshop is slowly filling up with orders that need to ship because you wonderful people are still buying my props!

You guys are awesome! There’s no cons, no contests, nothing, and you’re still dropping by and placing orders, despite knowing it’s going to be a while before I can ship them to you. It really means a lot to me that in a time where hand sanitizer is worth more than oil you guys are still stopping by and helping put food on my table… or toilet paper in my bathroom. I can not thank you enough!

Looking ahead, as soon as the restrictions are loosened/lifted everything waiting to ship will be hauled to the Post Office and sent on its merry, and I’ll go an clear B&Q out of cores and plumbing parts. While I’m waiting I might even finish setting up this infernal website!

Until then, thank you. Stay safe. Stay at home. Wash your damn hands. Leave your face alone and be excellent to each other.