Welcome to Peculiartifacts – your portal to an enchanting world of high-quality, handcrafted props, replicas, and costume accessories at affordable prices. I’m Mark, the wizard behind this one-man show, based right here in Huddersfield, UK.

My mission is to create top-notch items meticulously crafted from premium EVA foam and other quality materials. Each piece is born from my imagination, and I take great pride in the artistry that goes into every creation.

But Peculiartifacts isn’t confined to Huddersfield; it’s a global destination for Cosplayers and LARPers worldwide. I cater to an expanding global community of enthusiasts, offering not just products but an invitation to embark on extraordinary adventures.

You can purchase my props directly on this site, and also they’re easily accessible via my Etsy Store. There, you’ll find a treasure trove of wonders awaiting a new hero or heroine to wield them in epic quests.

What’s more, I specialize in crafting bespoke, one-of-a-kind items tailored to your unique visions. Have a specific piece in mind? Commission me! Your imagination knows no bounds, and I’m here to bring your dreams to life.

At Peculiartifacts, excellence is the standard, and challenges are opportunities. So, whether you’re a passionate cosplayer, a devoted LARPer, or someone who appreciates the extraordinary, you’ve arrived at the right place. Let’s embark on this magical journey together!