We’ve all been there, that awful moment when you’ve spent hours building and painting a cosplay or prop when, without warning, it just looks wrong… the shape is a little off, or the colours haven’t worked together quite how you expected and suddenly all hope is lost.

It happens to me a lot. Almost every build. I know I’ve built it as well as I can and I know that the paintwork is the best it can be but there’s still that little space where in my head I’m just not good enough. I can’t help but doubt myself, happens everytime.

So what do I do about it?

The only thing I can do about it. Plough on. I don’t mean to sound like some elitist, big headed jerk, but underneath it all I know I’m good at what I do. Some days I keep going, winkling at whatever I’m not happy with until it’s right, and some days I sack it off and go play videogames with my daughter.

For example, right now I’m working on a replica Claw of N’Zoth from very popular MMO World of Warcraft. It is definitely the most challenging commission I’ve had to date. I’ve run into all sorts of problems and each time I’ve worked my way through… Eventually. Some times it’s taken a few minutes of not flailing and actually thinking. Some times it’s taken a few days to figure it out. Sometimes I’ve needed a little bit of help. And without fail, that help has been there…

Backup! We need backup!

There are makers out there who are much better than at this than me. This isn’t fishing for compliments, or whining that I’m not the best in the world. They’ve been doing it longer, or they have better talents, whatever. . It’s a simple fact. They’re out there and they’re making fantastic things and they are an invaluable resource.

Some days they’re an inspiration, they’ve shown off whatever amazing thing they’ve just finished and it’s beautiful. Some days they’re a tutor, sharing a little of their knowledge with the rest of the cosplay community just because they can, and some days they just say something nice about whatever I’ve posted to Instagram or Twitter and reignite my confidence.

Get on with not getting on with it

I guess that’s my advice here. The take home, so to speak. Whatever roadblock you’ve come up against you’ll get past it. When you’re burned out, take a couple of days off. Go for a walk, sit under a tree, feed some ducks. Whatever works for you.

woman feeding ducks by hand in the park
Professional level duck based cosplay… or just some ducks. We’ll never know.

Unless you’re pushing a deadline you can spare that time to recharge, to review, to reconsider. The cosplay stuff can wait. If you’re stuck with something, just ask. No one’s going to judge you for stepping back for a minute, or for asking for help.

That’s it I guess. If you’ve made it this far, thanks for reading. Stay safe and be excellent to each other.

One final note

If you’ve come here looking for the second part of the “birthday week” promo code, your word is ‘bath’. The first part is over on my Instagram and the final part is on my twitter. You’ll be able to use it in my shop… hurrah!